Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society

David Crowe, President
Phone: +1-403-289-6609
Fax: +1-403-289-6658

Kathleen Newell, Treasurer
Box 61037, Kensington Postal Outlet
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4S6
Phone: +1-403-220-0129
In the list of links below, red indicates a recent addition.

Presentations and Speeches

Brown D. Introduction to AIDS Dissent in the form of a YouTube slide show: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Crowe D. Parental Control Over Medical Decisions in HIV/AIDS (pdf). IPRACIHR. University of Calgary. July, 2006.

Crowe D. Rejecting the HIV Paradigm is Critical to Maternal and Child Health (pdf). WABA Conference, York University. May, 2006.

Bauer H. The HIV/AIDS Blunder (pdf). Seminar at Virginia Tech. February, 2006.

Corbett K. “Inside the ‘black box’ of the antibody test: deconstructing official classification of ‘risk’ in the test algorithms used for identifying the human immunodeficiency virus” (word file) BSA Risk & Society Study Group Conference. September 6-7, 2004.

Corbett K. “The Lay Reception of Biomedical Knowledge”. British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Conference. September, 2003.

Crowe D. HIV/AIDS: Science or Religion? Presentation to Alive & Well, Los Angeles, February 19, 2003.

Crowe D. Infectious HIV in Breastmilk: Fact or Fantasy? Talk at La Leche League International Conference. July 9, 2001.

Liversidge AF. The Scorn of Heretics (pdf). Conference on Science and Democracy. April, 2001.

Is HIV a ferocious killer or a laboratory artifact?, Presentation to USANA distributors by David Crowe. October 11, 2000.

Copyright © Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society, Saturday, January 20, 2007.